WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 20 Feb 2009: AGENDA CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Friday 20th February 2009 9:30am, Talla nan Ross, Kingussie AGENDA Item 1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Minutes of previous meeting (23rd January 2009) and matters arising 4. Declaration of interest by members on any items appearing on the agenda 5. Planning Application Call-in Decisions and Suggested Comments on Applications Not Called-In Report to be issued on Monday, 16th February 2009 Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Oral Presentation 6. Report on: Results of Consultation on 2nd Modifications to Deposit Local Plan. Karen Major, Planning Officer Paper 1 7. Report on: Publication of the Cairngorms Development Plan Scheme. Robert Grant, Planning Officer Paper 1(a) 8. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Erection of 81 Houses and Construction of Access Roads. Land Between Perth Road and Station Road, Newtonmore. (Full Planning Permission) (07/230/CP) Andrew Tait, Planning Officer Paper 2 9. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Refurbishment of Glenmore Campsite and Introduction of 38 No Holiday Lodges. Glenmore Camping & Caravan Site, Aviemore. (Full Planning Permission) (08/286/CP) Mary Grier, Planning Officer Paper 3 10. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Construction of New Clear Water Tank with Associated Earth Bunding, Access Track and Ancillary Works. Land 1km West Of A9 At Sluggangranish, Aviemore. (Full Planning Permission) (08/328/CP) Neil Stewart, Planning Officer Paper 4 11. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Road Junction Re-Alignment and Associated Works. Junction at St Andrews Terrace and Mar Road Braemar. (Full Planning Permission) (08/364/CP) Written by Hilary MacBean, Planning Officer To be presented by Neil Stewart, Planning Officer Paper 5 12. Report on Called-in Planning Application: Demolition of Existing Admin Building; Construction of Mixed Use Development Comprising Residential, Retail, Office, Community, Leisure, Environmental Improvements, Roads, Additional Lodges and Hotel Extension. The Aviemore Centre, Grampian Road, Aviemore. (Full Planning Permission) (08/241/CP) Don McKee, Head of Planning Paper 6 13. AOB 14. Date of next meeting and quorum requirement